On Stock Card, you can follow any stock or ETF to show your interest in receiving update notifications when that stock's or ETF's financial, growth potential, return, and sentiment indicators change.
To see a sample of alerts and notifications you can expect about any stock or ETF, refer to the "Updates" section of each Stock Card or ETF Card.
Where to Find the Stocks and ETFs You Follow
You can find the list of stocks and ETFs you follow under Your Research section by clicking on Stock You Follow and ETFs You Follow.
How to Follow
Anywhere on the Stock Card platform that you see a "bell" icon, you can follow the associated Stock Card or ETF Card. On individual Stock Cards or ETF Card, the bell icon is either located on the top-right corner of your desktop screen or under the Actions menu that you can access by clicking on the 3-dot icon on the top-right corner of your mobile screen.
How to Unfollow
You can unfollow any stock or ETF the same way you followed it by clicking on the "bell" icon accessible on the top-right corner of your desktop screen or under your mobile screen's "Actions" menu.
If you are already following a stock and ETF, the "bell" icon turns into a green button on the top-right corner of the screen. You can click on the same button to unfollow that stock or ETF.
There is no central location where you can unfollow stocks or ETFs. You must go to each Stock Card or ETF Card and locate the bell icon to unfollow.
P.S. We have received several requests to make unfollowing a stock or ETF easier, and we have included this feature in upcoming product development. Thanks to all Stock Card users who have suggested it.